Site Diary
Nopsa Pro’s digital site diary keeps all construction site events recorded.
Digital Site Diary
The site diary is a key document in construction, recording daily events on-site. Maintaining it is crucial as it serves as proof of what has been done and when. The site diary is especially useful in potential disputes, such as handling change orders or liability issues. A digital site diary makes storing and managing information even easier, ensuring that all entries are securely saved and readily available when needed.
The main contractor is responsible for maintaining the site diary unless otherwise agreed. It also includes remarks or comments from other parties working on-site, ensuring that all critical information is documented. Recording change order obligations benefits both the site implementer and the client, as it improves traceability and minimizes potential conflicts. Additionally, the site diary must be presented to the supervisor or client representative for acknowledgment and approval.
Nopsa Pro Digital Site Diary
The Nopsa Pro mobile application takes site diary usage to a whole new level. It enables fast, easy, and efficient documentation of site events. The digital site diary ensures seamless information flow between different parties and guarantees that all data is stored securely in one system.
The site diary records information such as:
- Site conditions (weather, temperature, wind conditions)
- Resource usage (number of personnel, equipment details, work phases)
- Completed tasks (work phases and progress made during the day)
- Observed deviations (errors, delays, safety deficiencies)
Nopsa Pro also allows the addition of attachments, such as photos and documents, directly to the diary. This makes it easier to visually document change orders and improves transparency in communication. The digital site diary serves both as an internal document and as a report that can be shared with the client, supervisor, or customer for review and approval.
All documents are stored securely in the cloud and can be accessed or printed as needed. This reduces the risk of data loss and makes archiving effortless.
Benefits of the Digital Site Diary
- Eliminates messy paper forms that can get lost
- Can be filled out directly on-site using a mobile device, with the option to add photos as attachments
- Can be sent directly to the supervisor for digital approval
- Site diaries are stored in one system and can be accessed when needed
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