On-site Material Inspection Software

Cargo unloading, materials inspections and easy identification of items with an efficient on-site material inspection software

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Clear and consistent inspection practices


The Material Handling system introduces new efficiency to construction site materials management. The MHS also works as an on-site material inspection software. Receiving and inspecting goods can be completed in real-time via a mobile device. Tracking goods within the warehouse or project site is fast and easy. Material items can be located along the supply chain with a single search. Warehouse inventory is made simple with tools that guide users to take necessary actions with deviations and shortages of materials. In short, on-site material inspection software will ease project implementation and help with process transparency.


Easy cargo unloading and identification of items


  • Mobile phone solutions for inspection of materials and storage management
  • Unload containers, packages and items using the app
  • Automated product recognition with mobile devices using QR-codes
  • Allocate and update storage areas easily with GPS-coordinates


Carry out inspections of packages and items with the mobile app


  • Carry out inspections of packages and items and mark any deviations found
  • Mark any missing items and automatically update inventory
  • Easily attach photos of materials received with mobile devices


Carry out inspections of packages and items with the mobile app


  • Carry out inspections of packages and items and mark any deviations found
  • Mark if any items are missing and automatically update inventory
  • Attach photos of materials received easily with mobile devices

Typical challenges in unloading cargo at construction sites

Construction sites are often located in remote areas with poor infrastructure and harsh conditions. Material flows for installation equipment are vast with thousands of containers delivered for a single project. Based on hundreds of on-site interviews with construction site professionals, six main challenges with tracking materials on site were identified.

Material tracking system- goods receipt process

How does on-site material inspection software help?

  • Easy and fast handling of goods’ arrivals (planning, receipt, inspections)
  • Real-time storage inventory management
  • Easy allocation of materials to assembly with storage pick lists
  • Mobile phone solutions for materials receipt and storage management
  • Automated product recognition with mobile devices using RFID-tagging and QR-codes
  • Easy and fast tracking of materials (all parties share the same data base)

Read also our blog for practical tips on material inspection on site!

Are you looking for a material tracking system?

Book a 30-minute online demo where we will give you a short overview of the Material Handling System and discuss how it can help you solve the challenges of your business.

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