
Engineering and Procurement

Procurement information on one shared platform, transparent PO transmission and streamlined processes

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Procurement management software for projects and all equipment types

MHS offers a modern tool for publishing, handling and managing orders within the project’s network. Ensure transparent and smooth interaction between engineering, purchaser and the material supplier. The software supports all material types, for example piping, bulks, structures, tagged equipment, assemblies and spares. There are three primary ways to import call-off information to MHS.

Procurement Management Software dor Projects

Efficient material tracking begins at transparent purchase order transmission

  • Supply chain event transparency. Information of all procured materials on one platform; get rid of Excel files and phone calls between individual people within an organization.
  • Materials data-base for the entire project eco-system. Different project parties can publish orders into MHS. For example, the EPC/M contractor orders a boiler plant from a specific sub-contractor. The subcontractor can publish their material orders for the construction of the boiler plant via MHS.
  • Streamlined processes. Suppliers have clear processes for material deliveries for your project. This ensures timely delivery of procured materials.
  • Connect all project parties on one platform with extensive automation possibilities. Process planning and consulting companies’ softwares can be integrated to receive updates on the product status. For example, when a material supplier packs or confirms delivery of products.
  • Materials data-base for the entire project eco-system. Different project parties can publish orders into MHS. For example, the EPC/M contractor may order a boiler plant from a specific sub-contractor. The subcontractor can publish their material orders for the construction of the boiler plant via MHS.
  • Data integrity. Components and quantities of materials are subject to changes. Use the data in MHS to cross-check procurements in original call-offs, between SAP and ERP. Ensure that suppliers are delivering materials based on latest purchase order information. 
  • Efficient call-off handling between multiple contracts. Different project parties can publish orders into MHS. For example, the main contractor may order a boiler plant from a specific sub-contractor. The subcontractor can publish their material orders for the construction of the boiler plant via MHS. Suppliers will be able to view contracts that belong to them, ensuring that sub-contracted materials are delivered in a timely manner.
  • Streamlined processes. Avoid late-fees and missed deliveries by following clear and streamlined material delivery processes. Suppliers get automatic notifications via email once an order has been published. Suppliers are guided to complete necessary steps by following the open task list when signing into the software. The procurement management software for projects will ease material handling throughout the process.
  • Reliable payment release to ERP and SAP. Payment can be released for example, after all order lines are received and inspected at construction site.
  • Pay bills based on delivered materials. Materials account for a huge portion of a capital project’s budget. Pay the suppliers bill based on the materials that were delivered and passed quality control. 
  • Supply chain event transparency. Information of all procured materials on one platform- get rid of Excels and phone calls between individual people within an organization.
  • Materials data-base for the entire project eco-system. Orders can be published into MHS by different project parties. For example, the main contractor may order a boiler plant from a specific sub-contractor. The subcontractor can publish their material orders for the construction of the boiler plant via MHS.
  • Streamlined processes. Suppliers have clear processed for material delivires for your project- this ensures timely delivery of procured materials.
  • Connect all project parties on one platform with extensive automation possibilities . Process planning and consulting companies software’s can be integrated to receive updates on the product status. For example, when a material supplier packs or confirms delivery of products.
  • Materials data-base for the entire project eco-system. Orders can be published into MHS by different project parties. For example, the main contractor may order a boiler plant from a specific sub-contractor. The subcontractor can publish their material orders for the construction of the boiler plant via MHS.
  • Data integrity. Components and quantities of materials are subject to changes. Use the data in MHS to cross-check procurements in original call-offs, between SAP and ERP. Ensure that suppliers are delivering materials based on latest purchase order information. 
  • Efficient call-off handling between multiple contracts. Orders can be published into MHS by different project parties. For example, the main contractor may order a boiler plant from a specific sub-contractor. The subcontractor can publish their material orders for the construction of the boiler plant via MHS. Suppliers will be able to view contracts that belong to them, ensuring that sub-contracted materials are delivered in a timely manner.
  • Streamlined processes. Avoid late-fees and missed deliveries by following clear and streamlined material delivery processes. Suppliers get automatic notifications via email once an order has been published. Suppliers are guided to complete necessary steps by following the open task list when singing into the software.
  • Reliable payment release to ERP and SAP. Payment can be released for example, after all order lines are received and inspected at construction site.
  • Pay bills based on delivered materials. Materials account for a huge portion of a capital project’s budget. Pay the suppliers bill based on the materials that were delivered and passed quality control. 

Typical business cases

Two kinds of business cases are often best solved with our Procurement Management Software for projects.

Procurement Management for projects

Are you looking for a material tracking software?

Book a 30-minute online demo where we will give you a short overview of the Material Handling System and discuss how it can help you solve the challenges of your business.

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