
Work Hour Approval

All time entries can be easily found in one system

Work Hour Approval and Reports

Approval and modification of working hours

Employees can report work hours via NOPSA, which management will see as approvable work hours. If necessary, the entries are also easy to modify. After approval, the entries can be used for payroll, billing and follow-up whenever you need them.

If necessary, employees can also get user accounts for the software for modifying time stamps, adding comments to time notes and downloading work reports.


You can gain valuable business intelligence through NOPSA reporting functions. Reports can be downloaded and printed in PDF or Excel files, e.g:

  • Work Time
  • Time and Expense
  • Invoicing Summary
  • Employee Information

The reports can be viewed by selecting the desired criteria and parameters, for example, the time period, job site, employee or work class category.


Want to learn more about the time tracking? Contact our product experts, we are happy to help!

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